A hole in the ground as a nest made by wild rabbits.
Examples for "rabbit burrow"
Examples for "rabbit burrow"
1Marry, it was like a cat in a rabbit burrow!
2The cubs, it afterwards appeared, were laid up in a rabbit burrow some distance away.
3On the way, he stumbled over the rabbit burrow.
4Every cabin is like a rabbit burrow.
5Jackie mapped every rabbit burrow in the reserve, and using this technique she counted 459 redback spider females.
1The Saw-Horse stepped into a rabbit hole and fell to the ground.
2At home in the rabbit hole, things had not been quite comfortable.
3A quick search on Twitter leads down a rabbit hole of anger.
4We all know the experience of disappearing down a YouTube rabbit hole.
5Because I really did feel I'd been dropped down a rabbit hole.
6I hoped I could do it without falling down a rabbit hole.
7She had the sudden impression she was falling into the rabbit hole.
8But it led me down a multi-year rabbit hole of unhealthy dieting.
9This was going to be tight-one-handedbomb disposal down a rabbit hole.
10Sometimes he wants you to go down the rabbit hole with him.
11I'd traveled down the Satoshi rabbit hole before and returned empty handed.
12Mia Wasikowska plays 19-year-old Alice falling down the rabbit hole once again.
13I jumped down the rabbit hole and I've been travelling ever since.
14She looked like Pooh when he was stuck in the rabbit hole.
15Don't drift off too far or go to far down the rabbit hole.
16Then you can backspace your way out of the rabbit hole.
Translations for rabbit hole